Same Day Glass Repair Melbourne

At Multiplex Glass and Glazing, we specialise in providing swift and reliable same day glass repair services throughout Melbourne.

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Whether it’s a shattered window at home or a broken pane at your office, our team is equipped to handle your glass emergencies promptly. This service is essential for maintaining security and insulation immediately after accidental damage. At Multiplex Glass and Glazing our expertise in glass repair services in Melbourne ensures that your glass repair needs are met with the highest standards of quality and speed. The convenience of same day service means that you don’t have to compromise on safety or comfort while waiting for a repair. If you’re facing a glass emergency, remember that help is just a call away.

Emergency Repair Process

Understanding the emergency repair process for same day glass replacement in Melbourne is crucial for anyone facing a sudden breakage. When you contact Multiplex Glass and Glazing, our team assesses your situation over the phone to prepare the necessary tools and materials.

This immediate response is tailored to ensure that we can secure your property quickly and efficiently. The advantage of 24-hour glass repair same day in Melbourne is that no matter the time of day, our professionals are ready to assist you. We pride ourselves on a service that doesn’t just promise convenience but also delivers peace of mind when you need it most.

tempered glass installation in commercial propertytempered glass installation in commercial property

Critical Repair Times Melbourne


Morning Rush

Ideal for businesses and schools looking to resolve glass issues before opening hours. This time slot is perfect for getting repairs done quietly and efficiently, ensuring that your operations can start the day smoothly without any safety hazards or disruptions caused by broken glass.

Afternoon Fix

Tailored for homeowners and apartment residents, this timeframe suits those who need quick repairs after an incident in the morning or early afternoon. It allows for completion of the job well before the evening, so families can relax in a safe and secure environment.

Late Night Emergencies

Our 24/7 availability ensures that even if glass damage occurs late at night, we’re just a call away. This is crucial for securing properties that are more vulnerable at night, such as 24-hour retail stores, pharmacies, and other establishments that operate round the clock.

Weekend Services

We understand that not all glass damage happens on weekdays. Our weekend service is essential for those who are busy during the week and need repairs done on their schedule. Whether it’s a leisure facility, retail space, or a private residence, we ensure that your glass is repaired without having to disrupt your weekday activities.

Holiday Repairs

Holidays are no exception to emergencies. We remain operational during public holidays to ensure that glass damage does not put a damper on your festive spirit. Be it Christmas, Easter, or any public holiday, our team is ready to assist you, ensuring that you can enjoy your holidays with peace of mind.

Event Preparation

Perfect for venues and homes preparing for a scheduled event where everything needs to look pristine. This service ensures that any last-minute glass issues do not interfere with your event’s success, providing quick and discreet repairs.

Rental Property Turnovers

Landlords and property managers find this service particularly valuable when preparing properties for new tenants. Quick repairs enhance the safety and aesthetics of the property, ensuring it is in top condition for viewings and move-ins.

How We Work

Initial Contact

Upon your call, our dedicated customer service team quickly evaluates your glass repair needs. This initial interaction is crucial as it helps us understand the urgency and specific requirements of your situation. We gather information about the type and size of the glass affected, which allows us to prepare the right tools and materials before our technicians even arrive on-site. This step ensures that we are fully equipped to handle your repair efficiently when we reach your location.

Site Assessment

Once our technician arrives, they conduct a thorough assessment of the damage. This involves checking the integrity of the surrounding frame and area, and determining the best approach for removal and installation of new glass. By carefully evaluating the situation, we ensure that the repair process will be both quick and effective, minimising any disruption to your daily activities or business operations.

Secure and Repair

Our first priority upon arrival is to secure the site to prevent any further damage or risk to safety. This might involve boarding up the damaged area temporarily or removing shattered glass safely. After securing the site, our technician will proceed with the actual glass repair or replacement. We use only the highest quality glass tailored to fit your specific needs, ensuring a perfect finish that restores both function and aesthetics to your property.

Final Inspection and Cleanup

After the repair or installation is complete, our technician conducts a final inspection to ensure everything is in perfect order. This includes checking the alignment, seal, and functionality of the newly installed glass. We also clean up any debris or leftover materials from the work area, leaving your property as neat and orderly as it was before the incident. This thorough approach guarantees that the new installation not only looks good but also performs well over time.

Grab a Same Day Glass Repair Quote

Explore the swift and efficient same day glass repair services that Multiplex Glass and Glazing offers across Melbourne. We’ve shown you our emergency repair process to showcase how quickly and effectively we can respond to your needs, no matter the time of day. Whether it’s a residential window that needs urgent replacement or a commercial establishment requiring immediate attention to secure its premises, our team is equipped and ready to assist. We invite you to reach out for a free consultation and quote today. Let us help you restore safety and visibility to your property with our reliable same day service. Remember, at Multiplex Glass and Glazing, we’re committed to providing solutions that last.